Click to enlargeLeptoBov HB


For vaccination of healthy cattle 4 weeks of age or older, including those pregnant and/or lactating, for the prevention of infection by Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar hardjo, including reproductive and renal tract colonization, and urinary shedding for up to 12 months. Vaccination with LeptoBov HB vaccine also aids in the prevention of fetal infection.

Using aseptic technique, inject healthy cattle with 2 mL subcutaneously at 4 weeks of age or older. Revaccinate with 2 doses administered 4-6 weeks apart. When used as an aid in preventing fetal infection, administer the second dose at least 2 weeks prior to breeding. Annual revaccination with a single dose is recommended.


10 dose (20 mL) F1-G14-1
50 dose (100 mL) F1-G14-2

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